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What Is A Laser Skin Treatment?

Laser skin treatments are a new and exciting way for people to improve the look of their skin. Lasers use light to target and destroy unwanted facial features, such as pores, blemishes, and age spots. The results are usually very dramatic and last for many years. 

There are several types of lasers available, each with its own specific benefits and drawbacks. The most common type of laser used in skin treatments is the CO2 laser. Check online to get more about Chemical Peels.

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This laser is effective at targeting tiny skin irregularities and can be used on both face and body. It has a short treatment time (around fifteen minutes) and produces minimal side effects, but it is not suited for all skin types. 

The newer Q-switched lasers offer more targeted treatment than the CO2 laser and are better suited for people with darker skin tones. These lasers use low energy pulses that cause less damage but take longer to achieve results (around thirty minutes). 

They also have a slightly higher chance of generating post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH), so it is important to discuss your treatment goals with your doctor before starting treatment. 

Another popular type of laser used in skin treatments is the erbium: YAG laser. This laser works by first heating the hair follicle. Then a beam of erbium vapor is injected into the area to be treated. 

After injection, the erbium vapor is absorbed by the surrounding tissue, heating it up to damage the hair follicle. This laser has less downtime than other laser treatments and can be used on more skin types including medium-toned skin.