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Types of Crane Trucks

Crane trucks can be divided into two general types: the crawler and the derrick. Crawling crane trucks are typically smaller in size and are used for moving smaller items around. Derrick crane trucks, on the other hand, are much larger and are used for moving larger items around.

Crane trucks come in a variety of different sizes and capacities, so there is definitely one that is perfect for your specific needs. Here are a few of the most common types of crane trucks:

You can contact us today if you want to hire a crane truck in Sydney.

Gantry Crane Trucks: Gantry crane trucks are the most common type of crane truck and they are used for moving large items around. They typically have a capacity of up to 20 tons and can move at a speed of up to 30 mph.

Tower Crane Trucks: Tower crane trucks are similar to gantry crane trucks, but they have a higher capacity and can move heavier items. They typically have a capacity of up to 80 tons and can move at a speed of up to 50 mph.

Jib Crane Trucks: Jib crane trucks are unique in that they have two cranes attached to the front of the truck.

Crane trucks are versatile, durable, and safe

1. Crane trucks are versatile:

Crane trucks can be used for a variety of tasks, including heavy lifting, construction, and manufacturing. They are also versatile in that they can be configured for different purposes. This makes them a good choice for businesses that need a wide range of capabilities.

2. Crane trucks are durable:

Crane trucks are built to last. They are designed to withstand high levels of stress and are able to handle heavy loads. This makes them a good choice for businesses that need a durable truck that can handle tough conditions.

3. Crane trucks are safe:

Crane trucks are considered to be some of the safest vehicles on the road. They are designed with safety in mind, and their robust construction ensures that they can handle tough conditions safely.

Crane trucks take up less space and offer increased maneuverability.