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What Is A Leadership Development Program ?

Leadership development refers to activities that enhance the skills, abilities and confidence of leaders. Training and mentoring are just two kinds of development frequently utilized to guide and develop leaders.

Leadership development program is a frequent procedure in succession planning, which intends to generate high-caliber leaders to take over senior positions if they become empty. 

leadership development program

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High-performers are usually identified for all these leadership development programs, which might be longer-term and wider than programs focusing on tighter end-goals

What needs to be contained in a leadership development program?

Developing a world-class leadership development program starts with equipping leaders with the particular abilities, tools, and behaviors which they'll have to lead others and push their staff or organization's functionality. The abilities a comprehensive leadership development program must include are as follows:

1. Accountability: The most successful leaders understand that their success lies in their group's performance over theirs. Leaders are no longer individual contributors, as they're held liable for others' activities and results and must take responsibility for team results — both positive and negative.

2. Change Management: Changes in the market, worker turnover, business development, and several other things contribute to continuing changes in a company.

Whatever changes happen, leaders have to be ready to direct them through these modifications, which necessitates training leaders to handle change before it happens. 

Change management training ought to be a part of any leadership development program to make sure that leaders may use the power of vision, provide st