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What causes bunions on the foot?

Bunions are a growth of bone on the great toe joint that may become painful and is associated with a deviation of the big toe or hallux over towards the smaller toes. There are just a pair of things that can cause bunions: a hereditary predisposition in addition to poor fitting shoes.

There isn't a lot that you can do about the genetic or inherited predisposition since you get that from your mother and father. If you'd like to blame somebody, then blame your mother and father. The science has shown that it is perhaps a autosomal dominant attribute. This doesn't mean that you're going to get a bunion, it just means that you could be at a greater risk of getting a bunion. The genetic risk manifests within the dysfunction of your foot and the way your foot functions. Biomechanics plays an important role with the growth and development of bunions and is also an important element in how rapid a bunion advances. There are some things that podiatrists are able to do in order to strengthen the biomechanics of the foot that would make a difference with the long-term end result.

One other major factor will be the selection of footwear and that is certainly something you can alter to make decisions which can affect the outcomes of bunions. Footwear that is too small round the forefoot that forces on the big toe or hallux and pushes on the big toe joint is certainly the principle risk element for getting a bunion. Combine these more restrictive fitted shoes with the genetic risks and bunions are usually very likely to come about eventually. The challenge is going to be how much and just how often you use the poor fitting footwear. Even if you do not have the genetic risk from your father and mother, the using of tight fitting footwear remains a risk, but most likely not just as much as if you're genetically susceptible. Footwear is furthermore the reason for resulting in the pressure across the bigger bunion that makes them painful. This is often thought to be the reason why bunions are certainly more frequent in women as they have a tendency to wear higher heel tight fitted dress footwear more regularly. However, the higher prevalence in women could also be due to hormone variances among men and women and how these hormones change the ligaments surrounding the joints.

Interestingly, bunions nevertheless do occur in people who never use footwear, so shoes are not the whole problem. On the other hand, in these communities the bunions are never that bad and never become problematic. Using shoes means they are a whole lot worse, ensures they are progress much more and also causes them to be painful. There is also data coming from archaeological sites there must have been a sizeable rise in bunions found in skeletons from medieval times as soon as many people began wearing more tightly fitted footwear.

Bunions can be prevented when you deal with the risk elements early enough. The wearing of shoes which are broad enough to not make the pressure about the great toe or hallux is among the most more essential protective measures. If you have a hereditary risk, then it is even more vital you do this since you can not change your genetic father and mother. Knowing the explanation for bunions is definitely the first step to avoiding getting one.