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Slate Roof Tiles – Elegant, Classic Roofing

Of all roof tiles types, slate tiles have lived best the ravages of time. Even to this day they live as a precious variety of roof stuff as it has a high quality, is quite durable and long-lasting, and seems magnificent even in older buildings.

Roof tiles have to be managed carefully to prevent breakage. Especially when these tiles are produced from natural materials like slate, the price could be exorbitantly large, making it ever more important to take care of stuff carefully. For more information about slate roofing contractors, you can click here now.

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There are some advantages to using slate roof tiles for buildings.

It is Natural: Of all roof tiles types, slate tiles are natural rock. The tiles have been crafted out of the sedimentary rock, with each set of tiles using its unique texture and design. 

That increases the appeal of tile roofs, but might make repairs or replacement a catchy affair, since it's tough to match the tiles with new ones which may be carved from a different block of slate.

It is Fire Resistant: Roof tile materials made of slate are resistant to fire. This is the same as if you have laid stone slabs on your roof, so tile roofs are the most fire resistant option among all types of roofing materials. 

This makes slate tiles an ideal option for homes built in wildfire risk areas and can hold up against accidental sparks in the kitchen.

It is Environment Friendly: Lasting for decades, slate tile roofs won't be a concern for landfills overflowing in a town. Slate roof tiles have a very low adverse impact on the environment.