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Seven Facts About Duct Boards That You Probably Don’t Know

When you need a new home heating system, one of the first things you look for is how it will affect your monthly utility bills. But did you know that duct boards actually have multiple purposes? Here are a few facts about duct board panels that might just surprise you.

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When it comes to duct boards, most homeowners are likely not familiar with all the facts that exist about them. In this article, we will explore a few of the more interesting facts about duct boards that you may not have known.

Duct boards are typically made out of fiberboard and can be used to cover any opening in your home that needs ventilation, such as windows and doors. They come in different sizes and shapes to fit any need, and they can also be customized to your specific home.

One of the main benefits of using a duct board is that it is an efficient way to improve your home's air quality. By using a duct board, you are able to trap allergens and other particles inside the board and prevent them from entering your home. Additionally, when installed correctly, a duct board can help reduce energy costs by improving airflow throughout your home.

If you are looking for an affordable way to improve your home's airflow and air quality, then consider using a duct board.