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Parents’ Role in Making A Baby Learn To Swim

A core of successful cultivation of swimming skills at an early age is parents' involvement in swimming lessons. Most swimming instructors agree that for the best results kids under the age of four must be accompanied by adults when they learn to swim.  

Parental involvement in swimming lessons in Toronto is very beneficial for many reasons. They include fine motor development, child and parent relationship, safe and secure learning environment, parental education and maximum time for practice.

Fine Motor Development

From numerous academic studies and our instructors' education background, we know that until the age of 4, children don't possess the fine motor skills necessary to coordinate "conventional swimming". For better results, kids need one-on-one instruction and manipulation.

Safe and Secure Learning Environment

One of the greatest causes of accidental deaths among preschool children is drowning. Most of these deaths occur in backyard swimming pools to the children who just begin to learn to swim (NY is not an exception in this sad statistics). 

Hence it is of particular importance that parents are involved in learning their children to swim, since this way kids learn a cautious approach to the water and get awareness that it is prohibited to swim unless being accompanied by a parent.