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It’s Never Too Late For Diabetic Eye Exam

It is important to schedule an eye exam every other day for diabetics. Talking to your doctor about the potential risks associated with diabetes is crucial. This common blood sugar condition can cause damage to the eyes.

The risks of developing diabetes are higher if you have advanced disease and need a diabetic eye examto manage it. People with this condition are more susceptible to developing retinopathy. You should consult an ophthalmologist if your blood sugar levels are not under control.


Diabetes can also be caused by high blood pressure and smoking. Retinopathy is a condition that causes vision problems. However, most people with it experience very few symptoms. It can eventually lead to blindness.

First, make sure that you control your blood sugar by following a healthy diet and taking medications to prevent vision loss. A second important step is to have your eyes examined at least once a year. Follow your doctor’s recommendations regarding the frequency of eye examinations.

The most recommended method of action is to have your eyes examined annually. An annual exam is recommended. This allows doctors to examine the depth of your pupil and provide better information about your overall health.

Prescription glasses may be prescribed if there is evidence of retinopathy. However, in more severe cases, laser treatment or other procedures may need to be performed to reduce the effects. Surgery can sometimes slow down or stop the progression of retinopathy, but unfortunately, there is no cure.

To protect your eyesight, managing diabetes is one of the most important things that you can do. To reduce your risk of complications, you will need to have an eye exam every other day and regular monitoring of your blood sugar.