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How to find policies for your outdoor equipment

If you are looking for policies that cover your outdoor equipment, there are a few places to start. 

One place to look for Forest Products Insurance is with your state’s Departments of Agriculture or Forestry. These agencies often have insurance programs that cover a variety of outdoor gear, from hunting rifles to chainsaws. For more information about forest products insurance you Click here 

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Another option is to check with companies that make and sell outdoor gear. Many companies offer insurance through their own policies or through an insurance program offered by the company itself. 

When searching for an insurance policy, be sure to read the fine print carefully. Some policies may only cover accidents that occur while using the equipment, while others may cover accidental damage as well as intentional acts. 

Once you have found a policy that covers your gear, make sure you keep copies of all your coverage documents in case of an accident. You also should keep records of the dates and locations of any accidents so that you can prove what caused them.

Policy terms, conditions and exclusions 

Forest Products Insurance policies can be expensive, so it's important to understand the terms, conditions and exclusions before you buy. Here are some key points to keep in mind: 

-The policy covers property damage and personal injury caused by an event covered by the policy. 

-Some events that are not covered under the policy may be covered if they're considered part of the "normal operations" of your business.