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How to File a Design Patent Application

A design patent is a type of patent that protects the aesthetic, ornamental, and visual appearance of an invention. Design patents are used to protect the look of products, such as the shape of a car, the design of a laptop, or the appearance of a piece of furniture. Design patents can be used to protect the packaging of a product as well. You can apply design patent application through Thoughts to Paper to gain more knowledge.

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Design patents are distinct from other types of patents, such as utility patents, which protect the functional aspects of an invention. Design patents can be used to protect the unique visual appearance of an invention, while utility patents can be used to protect the way the invention works. 

Steps to Filing a Design Patent Application

  • The first step to filing a design patent application is to conduct a patent search. A patent search is used to determine if a similar design has already been patented. If a similar design has already been patented, the design may not be eligible for a design patent. 
  • The second step to filing a design patent application is to prepare the application. The application must include drawings of the design, a written description of the design, and an oath or declaration that the applicant is the inventor. 
  • The third step to filing a design patent application is to submit the application to the Patent and Trademark Office (PTO). The application must include the appropriate fees, which can vary depending on the type of application. 
  • Finally, the PTO will review the application and determine if the design is eligible for a patent. If the design is eligible, the PTO will issue a certificate of patent.