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5 Simple Home Remedies For Back And Neck Pain

If you're experiencing back or neck pain, there are a few simple home remedies that you can try. You may find relief by using heat, ice packs, massage, and anti-inflammatory medications. Here are five simple home remedies for back and neck pain: 

1. Heat therapy: Place a heating pad on your back or neck for 10 to 15 minutes at a time. This can help reduce back and neck pain .

2. Ice packs: Apply an ice pack to your back or neck for 20 to 30 minutes at a time. This can help reduce inflammation and pain.

3. Massage: Apply gentle pressure to your back or neck with your hands or a massage therapist's oiled hands. This can help relieve pain and tension headaches, among other conditions.

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4. Anti-inflammatory medications: Take ibuprofen (such as Advil) or naproxen (such as Aleve), as needed, to reduce inflammation and pain in the back and neck areas. These medications should only be used under the supervision of a doctor.

5. Get enough sleep: sufficient sleep is important for reducing inflammation and pain in the body overall, including in the back and neck area .


If you're experiencing pain in your back or neck, try some of these simple home remedies to see if they work for you. Some of these treatments may require a few tries before you find one that is effective, but once you find one that works, it will be worth it.