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Winterizing Your Above-Ground Pool

The swimming pool is the summer capital of the house. It is a favorite place for many families when everyone needs to relax. Also, the pool is a favorite place for backyard parties. However, you need to keep your pond healthy throughout the year so that when summer comes, maintaining and cleaning the pool is very easy.

Winter is a season of the year can be stressful for the owner of the pool. The pool could be damaged if not properly prepared for colder temperatures. You can know about the above ground pool through

Here's how to keep winter above ground pool in tip-top shape throughout the year:

1. Make sure that the calcium hardness, pH, and alkalinity of the water is balanced. Keeping clean water throughout the year is possible by using a chemical winterizing kit. Follow the manufacturer's instructions on the kit.

2. Swimming pool, as well as pipes and filter system will be seriously damaged if they run into ice. Make sure that during the winter, the water temperature never drops below freezing, and that the pool was covered to protect the pond from freezing damage.

3. Make sure the water level is not at the level of the skimmer to prevent damage to freeze water. If the water should be left to level, making use of a plastic dam called Aquador.

4. To prevent damage during winter, use a strong material to cover the pool on top of your soil. Pool covers also protect from algae growth. Air cushions are also useful to hold the cover in a dome shape and prevent debris from laying on the cover.

5. The water from the hoses and filter equipment must be dried thoroughly to prevent damage to the pool on top of your soil. Protect your materials, such as your pump, from the winter weather by keeping it in the house.

Taking care of the pool requires dedication and time. Following these steps will increase the life of your pool.