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Various Types of Structural Steel Frame Systems

The structural steel frame is the main option when it comes to making various building projects. These include low-rise office buildings, to larger multi-story structures. In general, structural steel framing requires creating different structural elements through complex column systems and horizontal beams.  You can check out more about structural support frame via

With a variety of different frame structures to work with, it is easy to understand why this has become the dominant method for many building constructions. With this said, there are several subcategories to form a structural steel frame construction. Contractors who want to expand their offer into this category need to ensure that they know the ins and outs of each. This is a closer look.




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Your Structural Steel Frame Building Style Options

So, with this in mind, what are some of the framed construction options that a steel structural engineer has to choose from? There are three main ones to talk about, starting with skeleton framing. A skeleton steel frame is made from a series of columns and steel beams which are all connected together. Around the structure’s perimeter, spandrel beams are installed to support masonry walls.

The next option is using a wall-bearing steel framing system. In these cases, the building’s wall, exterior or interior, carries the end of structural members designed to support the roof/floor load. These rigid frames need to be strong enough to resist any additional horizontal load as well. Generally, these are only really applicable for low-rise structures, as the bearing wall size needs to be increased far more than normal for a multi-story application. Reinforced concrete is also a possibility.

Lastly, you have the option of long-span steel framing. This is generally used for wide spans with a large clearance requirement, where conventional beams and columns aren’t appropriate.