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The Perfect Summer Picnic Party Ideas

Planning the perfect picnic is all about location. First think about how many people will show up, and then decide what activities to do. Make sure the site is the right size and has the necessary amenities like bathrooms, trash cans, shaded areas. Don't forget to pack any chairs, blankets or tables you need.

High-quality baskets make all the difference during a picnic, protect your food from pests and make transporting easier. Make sure you have the right size cooler and choose a theme for your food. Bring a cooler of the right size for the number of people you invite.

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If the picnic is for two, don't bring a large lunch box. If it's a large group, don't try to cram all your picnic items into a small cooler.

Choosing a theme for your picnic gives your guests something to look forward to and adds a little variety to the event. A home picnic for a college game is a great way to organize a party without a lot of work. Here are picnic ideas for your summer.

Picnic breakfast – coffee, pretzels, fruit, muffins, hard-boiled eggs

Barbecue – burgers, buns, grills, pasta salads, French fries, bottled or canned drinks, watermelon

Italian – Wine, Caprese salad, Italian bread, olive tapenade, Tiramisu

Beach – Fruit, cheese, small sandwiches, bottled or canned drinks, individual chips

When planning a special picnic for two, wine or cocktails can really add to the event. Make sure you have all the necessary tools for a portable drink or cheese tray.