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The Natural Way to Heal Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a condition that affects more than 1 in 10 women worldwide. It is often a debilitating condition since there does not appear to be any real answer given by a doctor or gynecologist. It is unclear where the condition has come from and why so many women seem to suffer from it.

The method used to slow the growth of the cells can have some serious side effects in women and many are not able to cope up with either option. To know about the various treatment options for endometriosis pain, you can have a look at this website.

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Basically, what has been established with women who have Endometriosis is that they have Estrogen Dominance. Estrogen dominance is due to poor liver function but most doctors will insist on trying to reduce the level of estrogen in the body and thus reduce the severity of endometriosis.

The thinking is, to stop the flow of Oestrogen to these retrograde cells, which require Oestrogen to grow and thereby heal the Endometriosis. Unfortunately, it is rarely that simple. The Retrograde cells are formed in the body due to poor immune system in the body that is also controlled by the liver.

Women often develop naturally retrograde cells and were able to repel them without condition endometriosis or other women related conditions. They are able to resist retrograde cells as the body recognizes that it is not fair and in line with the disease.