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Protect Your Network From Malware Using Anti Spam Services

Studies show that 90% of the 200 billion emails sent and received every day are spam. These spam messages are often harmless. However, some may contain malware that can compromise your security. For this, you need reliable email filtering or an anti-spam service to keep your business safe.

There are two types of malware that pose a serious threat to businesses: spyware and Trojans. Spyware collects information about users on your network without your knowledge, while Trojans cover other malware that can do everything from pressing buttons to the theft of passwords to credit card information. This malware is not only a threat to you, but also to your business partners, customers, and anyone else to whom you email. This is why you need to look for an email protection service via that offers both incoming and outgoing filters.

Email Security Comparison: Avast, Barracuda, Bitdefender, VIPRE (September 2020 update) - XaaS Journal

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Incoming Filtering:

When it comes to spam protection for e-mails, incoming filtering is usually the one to consider. This type of filtering scans all the emails you receive for threats and notifies you or automatically places infected emails into specific spam folders. Incoming filtering is usually included with most email hosting services. Some anti-spam services may keep a log of the e-mails or IP addresses that you send spam messages so that you can more easily block them.

Exit Filtering:

Instead of scanning the messages, you receive in your e-mails, the outgoing e-mail filter service scans the messages sent by your e-mails. Some hackers can gain access to your computer network undetected and may use your own server to send malicious e-mails. Outgoing filtering prevents this by monitoring any potential threats in the messages you send and detecting suspicious activity such as sending large numbers of emails.