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Platelet Rich Plasma Treatment For Acne Scars

PRP, also known as Platelet Rich Plasma (PRGF), Plasma Rich in Growth Factors(PRGF), and Platelet Concentrate, is an increased concentration of platelets suspended within meager plasma. Simply put, PRP refers to blood plasma that is rich in platelets.

Because PRP contains concentrated autologous platelets (meaning that it comes from the patient's body), PRP has been shown to be able to stimulate the healing of soft tissues. Soft tissue is tissue that supports, surrounds, or connects with other structures and organs within the body.

Red blood cells (93%) are the most common components of blood, followed by white blood cells (1%) or platelets (6%) all suspended in plasma. The red blood cell count has been lowered to 5% and the platelets have increased to an astonishing 94%. However, the white blood cell count has not changed. Read more to know the areas where PRP can be used extensively. 

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PRP Collection

  • A syringe is used to draw blood from the patient's skin.
  • Centrifugation using a diligently defined protocol (it segregates the red and white blood cells from platelets)
  • The plasma that's rich in platelets is drawn off
  • An activating agent is added to the plasma, rendering it suitable to use

PRP for Acne Scars

Acne scars are a common skin condition that affects millions of people all over the world. Acne Scars are a type of hyperpigmentation leftover from acne lesions. They are hard to treat if they aren't treated.

These are the most common causes of acne scarring:

  • Inflammation
  • Collagen and Elastin are destroyed
  • Excessive Collagen buildup

The body's blood rich in platelets is used to treat soft tissue injuries. PRP treatment for acne scars stimulates scar healing by regenerating and rejuvenating soft tissues. Surprisingly, no foreign substance is ever used during the entire procedure.