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Physical Therapy Is Not Just For Injuries Anymore

When you hear about physical therapy, most people tend to think it is only for disabled people or other people with various types of diseases.  Not until the mid-20th century that physical therapy began in hospitals and outpatient facilities and nursing units and various other medical facilities.

Physical therapy in Catonsville is not only for people with disabilities, injured, or ill again thanks to the latest progress. There are still people who do not know the physical therapy profession and also are not aware of many ways that physical therapy can help them achieve overall health and well-being and maintain it to increase longevity and high quality of life.

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A physical therapist performs detailed testing

When you make a visit to a physical therapist, they will do a detailed test for strength, flexibility, posture, heartbeat, blood pressure, body mass index, and more. In addition, a physical therapist will provide a test that shows a percentile to measure your health level with other people.

Health and well-being

In addition to helping with physical injury and disease, physical therapist experts are interested in the health and well-being of the overall individual. If you have trouble losing weight or sticking with your diet, a physical therapist can design a personalized plan that will help you control your weight and continue to maintain weight after you lose it.

Physical therapy can help you to be educated about weaknesses in your body.