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Making Crepes – Easier Than You Might Think

Crepe making doesn't have to be difficult. You can quickly make dozens of crepes in less than half an hour if you follow these simple steps. Crepes are great for breakfast, snacks, and dinner because you can fill them up with almost anything.

The right tools

You will need the right tools before you can start making crepes. While some prefer to use an electric crepe maker, it's just as simple to make crepes using a nonstick pan on the stovetop. You can buy professional crepe machines online by visiting this site.

Sweet or Savory Basic Crepe Recipe

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While a crepe pan is not necessary, you can use any nonstick skillet to achieve consistent results. These pans are usually about 11 to 12 inches in diameter.

Crepe Batter

You need the right batter consistency to make crepes. Crepe batter can be made more liquid so it is easier to make thicker batters.

Gradually increase the milk until you get good results. The batter should have the consistency of heavy cream. Crepes made with thinner batter will tear easily, while crepes made from thicker batter will be more spongy and heavier.

The Technique

To get the pan to the correct temperature, you will have to adjust the heat. The pancake should cook quickly on one side. However, it shouldn't burn before you can turn it.

To spread the batter, pour 1/3 cup of the batter into the hot crepe pan. If you have an electric crepe machine, you can use the spreader. As the crepes cook, place them on a plate. If you've cooked them properly, they won't stick together.

If you make a lot of them and want them to stay warm, you can cover them with a dishtowel.