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Is there any podiatry available in Malta?

The Podiatry profession in Malta is a somewhat new discipline of healthcare in comparison with other disciplines with the initial graduates with outside certification only getting state licensed in the late eighties. During the late eighties and early nineties even though the need for beginning an Organization for Podiatry practitioners was acknowledged the number of Podiatrists was nevertheless low and a common representative body never came to fruition originally. Throughout the late nineties because the University of Malta started more Podiatry courses the number of Podiatrists increased and then the idea of creating a uniting organization for all these professionals was slowly becoming a concrete and factual concept. The Association of Podiatrists of Malta had been formed back in 1999 and is the professional organisation that represents Podiatry practitioners practising in the Podiatry profession in Malta. Dr. Alfred Gatt became the very first chair of the group.

Alfred Gatt teamed up with Cynthia Formosa for an episode of PodChatLive to speak about the podiatry profession in Malta as well as their common research interests. PodChatLive is a regular live chat on Facebook run by Craig Payne coming from Australia and Ian Griffith coming from England. Cynthia and Alfred teach on the podiatry training course at the University of Malta. During the chat they talked about studying in Malta, that because of the climate and the low costs seems like a very engaging opportunity for quite a few. They presented some of the enormous research output they've been involved in with regards to the diabetic foot, particularly when you take into account the size of the team at the university. Alfred and Cynthia brought up why you may like to consider toe pressures rather than the ABPI, and in addition think about allowing yourself a thermal camera within a diabetes examination. They got a great deal of amazing slides showing of living and working in Malta as well as of their particular research efforts. There's without a doubt there may be many looking to engage in a higher degree after hearing this episode