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Is barefoot running worth it?

Running without using running shoes had been a trend that started around 10 years ago and endured a few years. The idea grew to be extremely popular but faded away equally as quick as it showed up. It had been dependant upon the theory that running shoes are certainly not useful to you and that running with out them might be more natural and much better for you. There have been a lot of books written and published about this, lots of websites encouraging the claims and lots of social media activity stating the claimed benefits. Nonetheless, what actually transpired is that the features that were believed for this failed to materialized for a good number of runners whom took it up and there turned out to be a quite high overuse injury rate in those who tried it out. Athletes rapidly went back to what they were acquainted with and all the guru’s who commenced endorsing it are no longer heard from.

Despite all the claims that were made there was never any evidence that barefoot running was actually any better than running in shoes. It was mostly made up claims depending on anecdotes. When the research got done it revealed that most of the claims which got made up for this were exactly that, made up. The advantages over using running shoes are just not there. Barefoot running is just different to using running shoes. Ever since the barefoot craze died off, there was a transition to a lot more very padded shoes. It was the contrary to the fad of barefoot and it too got termed as a fad. Except, at this time there isn't any indication of that trend to the higher padded running shoes falling off, so it will be most likely pretty sure that its not simply a fad but a long-term trend. Running barefoot or with conventional running shoes or using maximal cushioned running shoes are merely different. One is not superior to the other and individual athletes may have their personal tastes in regards to what they prefer to run in which is okay.