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Importance of Disaster Recovery Services in Vancouver

Regardless of industry or size, when an unforeseen event takes place and causes day-to-day operations to come to a halt, a company will need to recover as quickly as possible to ensure you will continue providing services to clients and customers. If major business disruptions are not anticipated and addressed today, it’s very possible that these negative consequences resulting from an unexpected disaster can have long-term implications that affect a company for years.

By having a professional data backup and recovery services, a company can save itself from multiple risks including out of budget expenses, reputation loss, data loss, and the negative impact on clients and customers.

Disaster Recovery Services

With the potential for backup and disaster recovery that enlisting an outside company can provide, you may have the urge to immediately take this burden off of you and your IT staff's hands. However, there are limitations to outsourcing that you may need to consider. Keeping your information in the house may be your best solution, depending on your company's individual needs.

  • Ensure that you can trust the company you work with, even if that company is your own

  • Legal liability and physical security can be vital components of your data backup solution

When you keep your data in house, you have the additional positive factors of not having to upgrade your physical security. In some cases, your existing IT staff can even tend to the new server in the same way they take care of your existing ones. However, this will place some degree of additional strain on them, and their efforts require resources such as their time. You may even need to hire additional staffing, depending on how large and complex your data backup needs may be. 

With the many options for outsourcing disaster recovery solutions that are available to you, keeping this component of your business in the house may not be the best solution that you can engage.