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How To Make Homemade Pizza Dough

Making homemade pizza dough is the most difficult part of making it. You don't like the taste and texture of pre-made pizza crusts, so make your own by using pizza-making tools like baker’s peels.

This is the recipe you can use. It takes a little bit of time, but it's well worth it. It tastes as good as the pizza crust at your local pizzeria.

Mix the flour, milk powder, sugar, salt, and softened butter in a large bowl. Place the active dry yeast in the middle of the dough. Cover the well with the additional dough. Allow to rest for one minute, then add the 1 1/8 cups warm water.

You don't want the yeast to die if your water temperature is too hot. For approximately three minutes, mix the ingredients in a bowl with your clean hands.

Wrap the bowl in plastic wrap and cover it with a dishtowel. The bowl should be placed in a warm place in your kitchen. Let the dough rise for 30 minutes.

Take the dough out of the bowl and let it rest for 1 minute. Place the dough in a bowl and cover it with a towel made of cotton. Let it rest for 15 minutes.

Use flour to lightly flour the dough board. Roll out the dough into a rectangle or a circle depending on how big your pizza pan is.

Spray your pizza pan with nonstick cooking oil and place your crust there. Use a fork to poke holes in the crust. Add sauce to your crust and top with your favorite toppings.