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How to Buy Good Second Hand Cars in Makkah

For many people, purchasing a used car is a difficult task. If you're on a tight budget but need a car to transport, there are a few tips you need to follow to get a good used car price.

You need to look for used cars from a variety of sources including newspapers, magazines, television, and the internet. You can view various used cars online and offline. You can also contact reliable vehicle inspection experts in Makkah at Carantee.

But you also need to make a checklist of what you want. By doing this, you know exactly what to look out for and save a lot of time.

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One thing to consider when inspecting a used vehicle is the mileage. Too much mileage means the car has very little life left and you run the risk of buying a car that will stop working sometime after the sale date.

You have to ask for a test drive and you should ask for a test drive if you want to buy a car. During the test drive, you can test all the characteristics of the car to see if there are any faults. 

Some important things to note are:

  • How do I start the car?

  • Is it easy to stop?

  • Does the car give off a lot of heat?

  • How much fuel does the car use per mile?

If you don't know about car inspection, you can ask a friend to accompany you and get his advice.