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Gaming Setup With LED Lights

Lighting your gaming with decorative lights is a great idea for an immersive gaming experience. Ambient light affects your emotions and if you use ambient light properly you can stay active and healthy during long gaming sessions.

We are currently seeing a jump in the trend of using decorative lighting in gaming and bedroom environments. Nowadays, people prefer RGB lights and warm lights for convenience. You can also explore The Wave Lights to find more information about the gaming area lights.

gaming area lights

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The global LED lighting market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 13.4% from 2020 to 2027, with the domestic segment dominating more than 69% of total outdoor sales.

Psychological effects of light

Before adjusting lighting, it is important to know how and what types of properties will be adjusted for your lighting. Numerous studies are showing that light affects emotions, and we all know this from our own experiences.


You shouldn't play in a completely dark room and your top priority for placing any light source is to the side of the monitor or behind it. This will reduce the effect of monitor glare on your eyes.

Color themes

It is best to use all the lights in a specific color theme to create a beautiful, synchronous environment. While you can use a constantly changing RGB lighting effect, it is best to use colors that are less stressful and more comfortable for long gaming sessions.