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Few Tips to Picking a Great Restaurant in Dublin

When you're new in Dublin, it's an exciting opportunity to discover interesting places to eat, those places that will define your trip, give you a local food experience and remain a delicious memory. That said, it can also be an experience fraught with disappointment if you pick wrong.

Here are a few tips to help you judge the quality of a Dublin restaurant that is worth your time. You will likely be rewarded with an unforgettable meal.

1. Book Now Before the Early Birds Go!

Get up early and go to work in the morning. We love to peek through the doors of restaurants to see which are bustling with activity and to smell the delicious stock that is simmering.

Dublin restaurant

Image Source: Google

You want to dine at restaurants that are energized and ready to go, those who are preparing stock, baking bread, and chopping vegetables. Avoid those who wake up an hour before service to prepare, clean, and cook for the first guests.

If you pass the place at night, after the service, are the tables cleaned and the floors mopped? Otherwise, the place is generally in good shape and ready to open the next day.

2. Keep it clean

It is important to practice basic hygiene. Are the tables and glasses clean? Are bathrooms clean and tidy? A fish restaurant that uses strong air fresheners and aggressive cleaning products can be a turnoff.