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Factors To Consider When Purchasing C02 Laser Cutting Machine

The speed of cutting lasers is a key consideration when deciding to purchase a laser machine. Speed is definitely beneficial since it typically leads to increased efficiency, however higher speeds typically mean higher costs, and for certain companies, the most expensive and speediest laser may not be the best fit for their requirements.

When evaluating the speed of production, one should consider the following factors while buying CO2 laser engraving machine:-

  • Cutting speed is the rate at which lasers cut through the material.

  • Traverse speed describes the velocity that the laser head is moving between cuts, from one point from one position to another.

co2 laser cutting machine

  • Acceleration How fast lasers can achieve high cutting speeds

  • Deceleration:Speed at which the laser can slow and/or stop.

  • Cut complexity: for more complex cutting, the speed difference decreases in importance because the speedy start and stop, acceleration and deceleration at such short distances do not permit the laser to reach its maximum speeds.

  • Time to change between sheets: Time required to remove sheets off the cutting table. The above variables determine the actual production time.

In the various kinds of lasers the laser's power in Kilowatts determines the actual speed of cutting. While other variables may affect the overall time of production however, the majority of current advanced lasers can be capable of reaching the same speed of cutting when the power in Kilowatts is the same.