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Facial & Face Massage To Relax

A facial is a process of doing a chemical or mechanical exfoliation. This can be done with a coarse substance that removes dead skin cells, or a chemical enzyme to eliminate them. 

You can also do the enzyme treatment simultaneously with the steam treatment. You can request strong chemical peels, but this will incur a little extra. You can check over here to schedule a facial treatment session.

The esthetician can perform extractions. This is where the esthetician removes any blackheads or whiteheads manually. This is often the most painful part. If you don't wish to have this done, you can ask that it not be done.

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Facial massage – The esthetician will massage your face until it feels soft and smooth. They add the final touch to the skin by further hydrating it for maximum softness, radiance, and shine. Moisturizers should be applied sparingly and allowed to absorb into the skin. 

Although a facial moisturizer should be applied every day, it is essential to complete a facial experience. You'll enjoy the benefits of a facial no matter if you go to a spa for the full treatment or just want to pamper yourself at home. 

You can enhance your experience with soothing music, flickering candles, and subtle scents in the air. A facial can provide lasting rejuvenation and a boost of self-confidence.