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Eyelash Extensions – Kick Away Your Doubts!

To get beautiful and attractive eyes, women used to apply mascara. It needs to be worn on every time they moved out. But now, forget it! Never take it out of your drawer now! Instead, go for a novel beauty technique of eyelash extensions. This process is the demand of present times.

Fear of the new process? This is not new today and has been there for 3 years. Perhaps, you heard the name for the first time but it has been there for a long time and is now very popular. You can also buy classic eyelash extensions online via

There are many benefits a woman can enjoy by using this process. Not only denser, but you can also check your appearance with long eyelashes. Eyelash extensions can even be applied to the eyelashes using a different color.

Which to choose? The thickness and lengths range useful for different faces are different and so these lashes are available in different dimensions of the same. Short eyelashes are 6 and 8 mm; the medium is 10 and 12 mm; and the longer ones are 13, 14, and 15 mm.

Also, the thickness varies from.10mm to.15mm and even up to 020mm, which is very thick. You can continue to select one of the available lengths or breadths. Beauty therapists can better help you with the choice of the size of the right extension.

Is a one-time application enough? This extension is not applied using adhesive bonds tend to weaken with time. Generally, the extension remains intact for six to eight weeks, depending on your need to hang through the continuous process every third week if you want to enjoy the attractions of interest from your face. And it must continue until you do not want to lose everything.