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DIY Flowers – Tools Of The Trade

So what exactly does a florist use to prepare flowers for wedding arrangements and flowers are gone? Not the typical items you might find in the garage or the kitchen, but easy to get once you know what you are after. The standard floristry tool kit and supplies make it easy to work with large flowers.

The first and most important tool you need in your DIY kit is a good pair of floral scissors. They may look like ordinary scissors, but they are not. They are specially designed for the cut stems without crushing the ends which prohibit proper water takes. For good rehydration, all wholesale flowers delivered dry-you really need this!

The only thing you'll find in the pocket of the work of each person in the wholesale flower market is a sharp floral knife. Used for opening boxes, cutting the woody stems or removing thorns, this tool is always at hand. They come with a fixed blade and folding varieties. The manufacturer of the famous knives, it also offers a single blade folding knife floral designed specifically for floral work.

Preparing big pink can be a little intimidating at first because of the thorns. They are the only flower in the cooler ready to draw blood from a novice and expert alike. While experts probably use a sharp knife floral, thorn remover is the solution of the flower DIY. This is an inexpensive simple device that removes all spines with a single pass over the rod.

So if you start from scratch on a flower DIY project, or if you just want to use the right tools for the job, starting with these basic floristry tool kits will make all your creations flowers turn right.