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Cytokine Detection And Measurement With Multiplex Technologies

Cytokines are molecules that cells in the immune system use to send signals to one another. They are essential for the accumulation of immune system molecules at the site of invading pathogens. To get the information on multiplex cytokine assay, you may browse the various sites over the internet.

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Detection and identification of cytokines is an important part of biological research – cytokines provide insight into physiological processes and infection pathways and can serve as biological markers for a variety of diseases. They are classified as glycoproteins proteins, and peptides depending on their respective properties.

Multiplexing technology has become an important tool for detecting cytokines. Analyzes can be carried out with high speed and accuracy using hundreds of magnetic balls or specially prepared microspheres. The microspheres are internally stained with a dye mixture to provide a unique spectral address. 

When mixed with the sample, the molecules on the outside of the ball react to the molecules they want to capture. The disclosure particle is then added and transferred through the instrument which determines the spectral address of the microsphere and quantifies the signal from the captured molecule, thereby reporting the sample content.

The value of the multiplex test was confirmed by a study by the Southwest Foundation for Biomedical Research for Cytokine Detection. This work concludes with the creation of a test in which 20 non-human primate cytokines and chemokines (NHP) can be detected.