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CPR Guide: Facing Emergency Situations

CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) is one of the most well-known emergency medical procedures today. It is considered to be a milestone in 20th-century medicine. Before it was invented, death was just an inevitable result of experiencing cardiac arrest. Since its initial conception in the 1960s, a patient's chances for survival have dramatically increased. The procedure has undoubtedly saved countless lives over the years.

Emergency situations could arise unexpectedly. CPR is used for patients who have stopped breathing and whose hearts have stopped beating altogether. It facilitates the flow of blood to the brain and other parts of the body. If you are looking for CPR and first aid certification online then you can check out the various online sources.

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Remember that this procedure needs to be applied as quickly as possible. You could be facing a life or death type situation at any given moment. Having the proper training and knowledge of this and another basic emergency procedure is what will ultimately decide the final outcome of such situations. This is what makes CPR such a crucial life-saving technique.

Emergency Situations

Generally speaking, there are two types of situations that entail the application of an emergency technique such as CPR. Namely, these are due to accidents or the onset of medical conditions. The most common accidents that entail the application of CPR are drowning, suffocation, and choking.

Severe head trauma sustained from falling can also lead to dangerous situations for the victim. There are also cases of electrocution wherein the massive electric shock sustained by the victim is what forces the heart to stop functioning.