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Benefits Of Custom Pool Enclosure

Pool enclosures are a precious resource that you can use to keep your pool in good condition all year round. They surround your pool, are available in a variety of materials, are customizable, and offer a variety of benefits from privacy to security. You can also buy the best custom pool cages through various online sources.

Let's take a look at some of the benefits that a custom pool enclosure can offer you and your family.

Evaporation reduction

Evaporation robs your pool of water, which can be expensive. Since evaporation accounts for about 90% of swimming pool heat loss, it makes sense to limit evaporation. The evaporation rate of the pool may increase due to high ambient temperatures.

A swimming pool enclosure can slow down the evaporation process by decreasing the temperature and moisture of the water above the surface. Especially in the hottest months or with water restrictions, you don't want to have to deal with lower water levels in your pool.

Sun protection

If you live in a country where the sunny days are long and you no doubt need a break from the heat, covering the pool is a great way to limit sun exposure. 

If you are concerned about skin discoloration or skin cancer, a filtered pool can serve to filter out the sun's rays and limit the UV rays that can damage your skin. In addition, the water in the pool remains cooler and more attractive.