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All about Elearning Development Course

Developing a Successful eLearning Course

This provides an overview of the steps involved in the development of an eLearning course. 

It is intended as a guide to avoiding common pitfalls that frequently occur during the development of a new eLearning course. Depending on the scope of your course some steps you should follow. You can also look for the best custom Elearning Development via

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The steps to developing a successful eLearning course:

One of the keys to successful course development is to stick to the original scope for the first version and to share this scope with the user community when you deploy the course. 

1. Define business case/need for the eLearning course

You can also use the ideas that you developed for the business case in your deployment letter to reinforce the value of the course to the target audience.

2. Identify business sponsors/champions for the eLearning course

Try to get business sponsors from diverse functional areas as there will most likely be cross-organizational interactions that can be smoothed out by having the right mix of business sponsors on board.

3.Determine what additional content can be added to new versions of the eLearning course

Suggestions and changes are great because they will most likely strengthen the course and broaden your audience's knowledge base. 

It is important to create, maintain and update a comprehensive change control system. It is important to track such data as content changes, graphic design changes, course numbers, course descriptions, scripting, and functional changes.